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Sustainable Solutions From Altor Solutions: Recycling

Not everything can last as long as your grandmother’s depression-era cast iron. Yet it is a reasonable – and worthwhile – goal to use products for as long as possible and then repurpose or recycle them. Many people get stuck with products that appear to have no further use past their primary purpose. Unfortunately, people often lump expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam into this “single-use” category and throw it out. Altor Solutions, as part of its sustainability commitment and its overall mission, seeks to change that perception and increase the quantity of EPS foam that gets recycled or reused. 

According to data gathered by the EPS Industry Alliance (EPS-IA), EPS holds the best recycling rate for plastics in the United States, with 34% of produced EPS recycled. There are seven different plastics types, all with varying rates of recyclability. Given that many other varieties are more commonly found in households, EPS’ ranking as the most recycled is impressive – but we know the percentage can grow!  

Currently, there are nearly 500 EPS recycling locations in North America. Here is a list of resources for EPS Recyclability: 

  • EPS-IA Twitter: aside from its feel-good tweets, it is a gold mine of information on who’s recycling EPS and where to go locally with your EPS
  • Altor Solutions Recycle EPS page: you can find locations that accept EPS drop-off as well as information on mail-back programs 

If you want to add sustainable solutions to your shipping and packaging needs, contact us at Our team is excited to help you find the most earth-friendly solutions possible for your business. 

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