Protective Packaging Reimagined
With BioEPS®, Altor Solutions® offers yet another material option to Packaging, Insulation and Componentry needs. Our engineering team can help design a custom product or suggest a readily available packaging solution that can be produced with BioEPS®.
What sets this apart?
- BioEPS® products are landfill biodegradable—anaerobically biodegrade an average of 92% over 4 years
- BioEPS® is Recyclable as #6 with all EPS
- BioEPS® maintains the exceptional performance characteristics of molded EPS foam: High Strength, Light Weight, Superior Insulation, Shelf Life Stable
- BioEPS® products meet FDA 21 CFR requirements for food contact applications

California Notice: California law prohibits the sale of plastic packaging and plastic products that are labeled with the terms ‘biodegradable’, ‘degradable’ or ‘decomposable’ or any form of those terms, or imply in any way that the item will break down, biodegrade or decompose in a landfill or any other environment. These restrictions apply to all sales in or into the State of California, including such sales over the internet. For sales in or into California, Altor Solutions makes no claims that BioEPS product will break down, biodegrade or decompose in a landfill or any other environment.