Think Outside The Box
We look at packaging design from all aspects – from product cushioning or temperature control through shipping optimization. For over sixty years, our team has been successfully engineering solutions that not only protect items but save time and resources.

More than just Insulation
Engineered foams are perfect for insulating all sorts of critical items that provide fun, comfort and save lives! Vaccines, medications, food, industrial products, and even homes. Our engineering team will optimize insulation and meet design requirements.
Componentry For Every Industry
Componentry plays a critical role in multitudes of products. Form, function, flotation, sound and/or thermal insulation – the wide variety of materials we work with can perform it all. Our engineering services provide design and material selection guidance for optimal product performance.

Fiber-based “green” innovative
structural packaging

For the Future
Different materials play different roles in products. How they best work within the design and operating requirements, and how they fit into the life cycle of the part are critical factors to consider. Our team examines all aspects to maximize function and sustainability.
60+ Years of Engineering
We are an engineering-driven company with a large team of multi-disciplined engineers. Together they bring years of varied experience to each design project and develop solutions that exceed expectations. In-house prototyping and ISTA-Certificd thermal and stress lab capabilities help prove out concepts and speed time to market.
Locations, Locations, Locations!
We might be closer than you think
With facilities throughout North America we are readily able to meet local and multi-location requirements for our products and services.